报告题目:Does God play dice?
报告人:Prof. Mikhail I. Katsnelson (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Quantum mechanics does not deal with individual events and all its predictions are of a statistical nature. This situation leads to long-time and very hot debates on “completeness” of quantum mechanics, its applicability or inapplicability for macroscopic objects, existence or nonexistence of underlying classical reality (“hidden parameters”), role of measurement devices and observers, etc. Recently, we proposed a purely phenomenological way to build the quantum theory as the most robust description of reproducible experiments, based on separation-of-conditions principle, logical inference approach and a minimal amount of additional physical postulates, such as symmetry requirements and applicability of classical physics at the average. This allows us to derive the basic principles of quantum mechanics such as Born rules and Schrödinger equation. I will review this approach.
Mikhail I. Katsnelson,荷兰奈梅亨大学教授,欧洲科学院、荷兰皇家科学院院士,在凝聚态理论的多个领域都有杰出的科研成果,在2011年被授予荷兰皇家骑士勋章,2013年获得荷兰最高科学奖斯宾诺莎奖,2016年获得德国汉堡理论物理奖。2014年起担任国际著名期刊Physical Review Letters凝聚态物理副主编。Katsnelson教授共发表论文六百多篇,其中包括Review of Modern Physics 2篇,Science 7篇,Nature 5篇,Nature 子刊17篇,Physical Review Letters 73篇,被SCI引用超过63000次,H指数为88。